header: AusencoSandwellAscentisAAXWayneGossRuddSwanHeinerCrimeMellifont

In reply to Heiner Affair criticism, Gesture response by
There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'. Wayne Goss There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'.
& Ausenco Limited

 click here   for more of this

 click here   for CONSEQUENCES;


Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 


Consider the evidence! Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay.  

Menu:  Ausenco Limited: [AAX] Fraud; Wayne Goss
includedTitleReasonAllUSCitizensOfUnitedStatesAmericaConcernedByGossRuddMellifontMafia.php The Reason that all US Citizens, Citizens of the United States of America, should be concerned by the
 "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia"

Web-site, Written, Coded, Produced and Directed by
Russell G H Mathews

International Disability Rights Advocate
UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
& UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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PHPincludes/includedReasonAllUSCitizensOfUnitedStatesAmericaConcernedByGossRuddMellifontMafia.php The Reason that all US Citizens, Citizens of the United States of America, should be concerned by the
 "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia"

The reason is simple. Both Wayne Goss and Kevin Rudd  are, by at least a prima facie case, implicated in a systematic corruption that extends to the United States of America.  Wayne Goss was the architect, and Kevin Rudd, was his Chief of Staff when Goss implemented his system of corruption. Wayne Goss and Terence Joseph Mellifont were mates and both members of the 'Association of labor Lawyers'.  Kevin Rudd went on to become Prime Minister of Australia.  He is giving and receiving strong support to, and from the US administration of Barak Obama.  Every action of support by Barak Obama of Kevin Rudd, is support of criminality. We are sure that Barak Obama is unaware of this matter.  As the President of the US, he must be aware of so much information.  Barak Obama's advisors should alert Barak Obama to these matters. Every act of support by Kevin Rudd towards Barak Obama, is a prima facie example of Barak Obama accepting the support of crime and criminal elements.  Given the history of Barak Obama and the 'preacher of violence' at his church, Reverend Wright and Black liberation theology, does Barak Obama really want this?

Additionally, Wayne Goss is now wishing to become an International Industrialist.  See all the hyperlinks.  Additionally, this 'Goss Company', Ausenco Limited has taken over these three US companies:   All  of these companies and their employees, contractors and customers are likely to be adversely affected in the future when Company directors of all companies even dealing remotely with Goss's company, Ausenco Limited., apply their Fiduciary Duty at the mere level of 'Onus' or 'burden of Proof' for the existence of a 'prima facie case'.  [This is equivalent to the evidential onus of 'raised on the evidence'.  I am a legal academic.] 

The corrupt legal establishment designed by Wayne Goss has shown it wishes to silence me.  These websites of mine exposing all the criminality are now on servers in Data Centres in the United States Of America.  These websites explain the actions that should be undertaken by all people even remotely involved.  [It is their FIDUCIARY DUTY to not only make the proper decision, but also, IMPORTANTLY, TO ACT, TO CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE, and make a decision.  They cannot avoid considering the evidence and making a decision.] [I understand copies are being taken around the world so many more mirrors of these sites are likely to appear.]  The corrupt Australian Government has already attempted to have my sites closed down, without following proper Due Process, as required by LAW.  

Another most important aspect is that since the websites are on servers at Data Centres in the US [United States of America], then US law is enlivened.  It is important to realize the US law applies in Australia.  In principle, US law cannot accept corruption anywhere, such as in Australia, by the Goss Government, and its CMC.  We have also mentioned above the aspect of 'involvement' of Barak Obama, and the Kevin Rudd connection.

Links to our FORUMS regarding the 21st Century World Recession, SURVIVING IT & PROSPERING.
  1. 21st Century World Recession
  2. Analysis of the 21st Century World Recession
  3. FULL detail of the Analysis of 21st Century World Recession
  4. How to SURVIVE the 21st Century World Recession, & PROSPER
  5. In detail: How to SURVIVE the 21st Century World Recession, & PROSPER.
  6. Looking for Work: Looking for a Job:
  7. How to FIND A JOB, & MAKE MONEY doing it!!
  8. FULL detail: How to FIND A JOB, & MAKE MONEY doing it!!
  9. FULL detail: How to FIND A JOB, & MAKE MONEY FINDING it, and REAL MONEY doing it!!
  10. FULL DETAIL: Looking for Work: Looking for a Job:
  11. Small Business Advisory FORUM
  12. Full Description, Small Business Advisory Forum.
I have addressed this way forward, depending upon one's predilection, based on one's past actions or inclinations: Income from working for an 'employer' or working in one's own business.

  1. Looking for Work: Looking for a Job: How to FIND A JOB, & MAKE MONEY doing it!!
  2. Small Business Advisory FORUM
HaigReport Themes

Themes of  Websites
for the
HAIG   REPORT: Group of Websites:
[We expect, in time, to have all of the thousands of pages on the
HAIG   REPORT: group of websites accessible from this Menu of THEMES. Eventually, there will be 20 themes, each with an average of 15 to 20 websites/domains/directories, with each website/domain having an average of 20 pages. This would equate to 20 x (15 to 20) x 20 = 6,000 to 8,000 pages. This menu of Themes will be included near the bottom of each page, in time. With one line of code, strategically placed, this Menu of Themes is now on thousands of pages. We are continually and progressively adding pages to this Menu of Themes of website Menus.]


Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 

Menu: HaigReport'sThemes or Categories of the the Topics of the HaigReport Group of Websites: 
© COPYRIGHT: Russell Gordon Haig Mathews 2002 - 2025

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See  All 67 Domain Names in the HaigReport Group 

© COPYRIGHT: Russell Gordon Haig Mathews 2002 - 2025

Now here are the THEMES &:

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  1. HaigReport's International Live Streaming Podcasts:

  2. About HaigReport Group of Websites including
    Vote One Russell Mathews:

  3. Worldwide Terrorist catholic MAFIA = catholic Order of Malta Mafia:

  4. Commonwealth of Australia Knowingly Employs LIARS, CHEATS and CRIMINALS:

  5. Government Corruption Infecting Corporates; ASX:

  6. New ADDITIONAL platform; Printed Distributed HaigReport NEWSPAPER:

  7. Self Help Law: Do your own Legals/Law:

  8. International: Corrupt Politics & Corrupt religion:

  9. Russell Mathews [BCom BSc LLB & BA] Commentary additional to the rest of these Websites:

  10. Legal Rights, & BLACKLISTS of parasite residents & tenants in rental accommodation:

  11. RAMPANT POLICE CORRUPTION Exposed by HaigReport Websites; :

  12. Other public sector corruption Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

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  14. Qld Govt Translink wankers & pony spankers Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

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  17. Corrupt POLITICANS Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  18. University of Qld Fraud & Corruption Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  19. Corruption at other universities; Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  20. Expose' of Other CORRUPTION, including TELSTRA, under influence of public sector parasites, as exposed by the HaigReport Group of Websites:

  21. Business Promoted by HaigReport Websites:

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Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
View list of SOME of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards

Email: http://HaigReport.com/eml.html


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