header: AusencoSandwellAscentisAAXWayneGossRuddSwanHeinerCrimeMellifont

In reply to Heiner Affair criticism, Gesture response by
There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'. Wayne Goss There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'.
& Ausenco Limited

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Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 


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Menu:  Ausenco Limited: [AAX] Fraud; Wayne Goss
PHPincludes/includedGoss-MellifontMafiaCriminalJusticeCrimeMisconductCommissionCJC_CMC.php "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia" = Crime & Misconduct Commission

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Russell G H Mathews

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PHPincludes/includedGossRudd-MellifontMafiaLegacyCorruptCourtsJusticeQueenslandAustralia.php "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia" => Legacy of Corrupt Courts & Justice in Qld & Australia

This all springs from the 'Heiner Affair'. Wayne Goss is still the grandfather architect of corruption in Queensland and Australia.  Kevin Rudd was Wayne Goss's Chief of Staff.  The starting date of this rise in Queensland corruption, as much entrenched today as ever, is the date of the election of Wayne Goss as Premier of Queensland, on 7 December 1989 .  Goss then set about closing the Heiner Inquiry, closing the Fitzgerald Inquiry [which was in the process of prosecuting Wayne Goss's mate and struck of solicitor ex member of the Association of labor Lawyers, Terence Joseph Mellifont, as was Wayne Goss a member and mate], and replacing the Fitzgerald Inquiry with his Association of labor Lawyers  cronies staffed corrupt Criminal Justice Commission [CJC] later renamed the Crime and Misconduct Commission [CMC], calling it the CJC/CMC.

This corruption has been 'well considered' and designed by the corrupt Wayne Goss and his cronies.  They had wanted to entrench and 'formalize'  the long established labor inspired corruption in Queensland.  Usually, Government is formed by three interrelated parts: The parliament or Congress or legislature, the executive, [in the US, the President and his 'staff', in the UK & Australia selected from the 'group' with majority support in the 'lower house'] and the judiciary.  Each can control parts of the other.  Goss and Rudd introduced a FOURTH part, which can control all of the other three parts.  It is a 'standing Royal commission' with all the powers of a Royal Commission, but is CORRUPT.  It is the corrupt Criminal Justice Commission [CJC] later renamed the Crime and Misconduct Commission [CMC].   After the event, this corrupt CMC gave its imprimatur to the Goss Cabinet criminal decision on 5 March, 1990, to destroy the Heiner Documents to prevent their introduction into court as evidence, thus protecting pedophiles of children in Queensland Government establishments.

In our society, Information or publicity forms a big part of government in so far as considering 'Public Opinion' and election of the legislature.  Goss has done a deal to ensure he has this aspect covered.  Given that Free TV is one of the greatest influences on Public Opinion, Wayne Goss has become Chairman of Free TV Australia Limited, a lobby group, & the ONLY lobby group, for ALL Free TV in Australia.

The CMC 'Polices' the hierarchy of the "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia" & enforces strict adherence to the corrupt line.
The CMC also has the role to keeping the hierarchy of the corrupt "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia" in line.  One needs only consider the  Merri Rose Case and the Gordon Nuttall case [ Just Google for "Gordon Nuttall"].  In both of those cases, the CMC was central.  The purpose was to 'keep the corrupt "Goss-Rudd-Mellifont Mafia" in line.

Corrupt labor has been the government of Queensland for the whole time , [apart from two years], since the Wayne Goss assumption of Premier power on 7 December, 1989.  As a result, all judges, magistrates, and Commissioners appointed by labor, are likely to be corrupt, to the extent of 'raising a reasonable apprehension of bias'. 

It is reasonably logical to conclude, that the persons appointed by a corrupt government to be judges and magistrates who could cause problems for that corrupt government, are, themselves, likely to be corrupt.  Of course, the CMC fill the role of ensuring that those on the corrupt side behave 'properly', and not jeopardize the corrupt hierarchy.  Here,
consider the  Merri Rose Case and the Gordon Nuttall case [ Just Google for "Gordon Nuttall"].

Why would a corrupt government appoint honest and honourable individuals who could expose their corruption so terminating them?  Of course, they would appoint individuals upon whom they could rely to permit the government to remain corrupt. 

What this means is that in Queensland at present, almost all, if not in fact all, magistrates, judges and Tribunal Decision makers appointed by this corrupt labor government, are likely to be corrupt, to the applicable level required by the test of 'apprehended bias' by that judge, magistrate or tribunal decision make.  The 'Burden' or 'Onus' of Proof required for that '
reasonable apprehension of bias' is of equivalent level to the onus of 'raised on the evidence' or the quantum of 'reasonable doubt' that would negate a guilty criminal verdict.  These are equivalent to the burden of quantum of evidence to form a prima facie case.

The consequence of this is that in Queensland, it would be nigh on impossible to find a judge or magistrate to try an 'anti-corruption activist'.  The prima facie case against the Goss government and cabinet, the CJC/CMC that cleared them by stating a false principle of criminal law, and all labor governments in the same mold as Goss, is such that that 'reasonable apprehension of bias passes to all of their appointments.

To extend this explanation: A judge cannot consider a case if he/she is biased.  The test of whether a judge is biased is that a "reasonably informed bystander" would have a "reasonable apprehension of bias" by the judge towards the "defendant".    The "Burden of Proof" for a
"reasonable apprehension of bias" by the judge towards the "defendant" would be that such an apprehension would be "raised on the evidence"or that a prima facie case for its existence, existed. 

Because a prima fascie case exists that Goss and his cabinet committed a criminal offence of destroying the Heiner documents, it is factual that the CJC/CMC approved that crime, accepting that the factual situation occurred, but the CJC applied a bogus "principle of law" to the facts.  This is more than a prima fascie case that the CJC/CMC is corrupt.  The CJC/CMC could have at any time corrected its published opinion, but has not.  Every labor government of Queensland since has applauded the CMC.  This includes Anna Bligh's recent statements, in August, 2009.   This is more than a prima facie case that every labor government is corrupt since and including Goss.  This includes Kevin Rudd.

Considering the appointment of judges and magistrates and tribunal decision makers:  It is undoubted that
that a "reasonably informed bystander" would have a "reasonable apprehension" that any judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker, appointed by a corrupt government, would themselves, individually, be corrupt.  Such a "corrupt" judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker, would be biased against any "anti-corruption activist".

Perchance there was still, on the "bench"a
judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker, who was appointed by the other side of politics in Queensland, in the two year period over a decade ago, in the time since Goss, when labor was out of office, it may be alleged that such a judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker, would not be biased.

With an understanding of organizational dynamics, such a judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker, would be subjected to many covert treatments to have them leave office so that another labor fraud could be appointed.  If they did not leave, it would be reasonable to expect that they had "joined the corrupt labor camp". 

Thus, it is clear that an anti-corruption activist could not find in Queensland, an unbiased
judge, magistrates or tribunal decision maker.

Other labor states in Australia saw the '' corrupt beauty' of the CJC/CMC Goss model and so New South Wales implemented the ICAC [
the Independent Commission Against Corruption (NSW)] and Western Australia established the CCC, [the Corruption and Crime Commission (WA).]

           Proof of Corruption in the Crime and Misconduct Commission (QLD).
      Proof of Corruption in the Independent Commission Against Corruption (NSW).
Proof of Corruption in the Corruption and Crime Commission (WA).

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Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 

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