header: AusencoSandwellAscentisAAXWayneGossRuddSwanHeinerCrimeMellifont

In reply to Heiner Affair criticism, Gesture response by
There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'. Wayne Goss There is a prima facia case that Wayne Keith Goss, while Premier of Queensland, in Australia, acted in consort with other criminal members of the Queensland labor cabinet on 5th March, 1990 to make the criminal decision to shred the Heiner Documents.  This is called the 'Heiner Affair'.  These documents were required as evidence, for a legal case, court  case.  This criminal labor cabinet header by Wayne Goss did this to protect pedophiles in government departments abusing children under state government 'care'.
& Ausenco Limited

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Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 


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Menu:  Ausenco Limited: [AAX] Fraud; Wayne Goss
If Wayne Goss as Premier criminally shredded evidence, what will he do with PRICE SENSITIVE DATA?

written by Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
View list of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards

Email: http://HaigReport.com/eml.html

If Wayne Goss as Premier criminally shredded evidence, what will he do with PRICE SENSITIVE DATA? Wayne Goss is now a director of a number of Companies, [and in fact the Chairman of the Board of Directors of at least two:  Ausenco Limited and Free TV Australia Limited].  Hence, we ask  this question , as he will certainly come into possession of such PRICE SENSITIVE INFORMATION.

Wayne Keith Goss was the labor Premier of Queensland from 7 December 1989 until 19 February, 1996.  Wayne Keith Goss was the labor Premier of Queensland when his full cabinet, on 5th March, 1990, less than three months after his becoming Premier, decided to destroy documents needed in a criminal trial.  This has been called 'Shreddergate' and the 'Heiner Affair', as the documents were documents from the Heiner Inquiry into the Queensland Government's John Oxley Centre for child wards of the State of Queensland.  The evidence showed that pedophilia by State Government employees and labor stooges and labor mates of Wayne Goss, was rampant on these defenceless Wards of the State of Queensland, when they were locked up in Queensland State Government institutions.  The Goss Cabinet destroyed this evidence to prevent it becoming evidence in a court case.  They had previously used an exemption to the Freedom of Information legislation, of wheeling trolley loads of documents into the cabinet room so they could be said to have been the subject of Cabinet deliberations, to prevent those documents being released by Freedom of Information legislation. 

Is Wayne Goss likely to use Price Sensitive Information to his advantage?  This would be 'Insider Trading'.  'Insider Trading' is a fraud on all other shareholders and potential shareholders, which means the community at large, and so is Criminal in nature. 
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Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 

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Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
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